Learning APPs: environments and educational tools a la carte

Today there is a wide range of tools that enable learning and teaching in the network. Educational institutions use mostly as Moodle training environments, and social networks (e.g. Facebook) collected more and more training initiatives. At the same time, a growing number of web 2.0 tools that are used for learning and teaching (wikis, blogs, Google Apps, tools, etc.). The problem is that, although these resources are already available on the network, there is a wide dispersion and it is not often easy know, choose and use the right tools.

Funded by the former Ministry of science and innovation (now Secretary of State for research, development and innovation, Ministry of economy and competitiveness) and the EU European Regional Development Fund , the Learning Apps project aims to create a space where teachers and educational institutions can easily build, with just a few clicks, your own online training environment. So, can choose the most suitable platform to teach (Moodle, Sakai, Facebook, or other) as well as for each subject-specific tools (blogs, wikis, chat rooms, forums, video/audio conference...). Environment will also offer the possibility of registering new tools, rating the existing and attach information, such as user manuals, case studies, strategies and contexts of use.

The objectives

Inspired by existing models such as Apple's App Store, and thought about online education, Learning Apps will allow to select all the elements needed to build a virtual environment of complete learning or only those needed to expand an existing virtual platform. Learning Apps will allow to combine the use of free applications, payment, or a payment (or micropayment) model by use. There will also be available applications with free version and a paid version. All this in a simple way and without need technological expertise. It will also explore the possibility of including in this model complete ready to use, with integrated content and applications training.

More specifically, the specific objectives of the project are:

  • Offer a setting in internet collaboration, business and broadcasting for educational content, providers of education and training services businesses.

  • Encourage on-line training, offering an environment of low maintenance cost, highly automated permitting the construction of educational environments highly customizable and adaptable to the different types of online training on-demand.

  • Create and promote a model and a framework of integration between applications and educational environments in line, based on the concepts of web services, Software as a service (Software as a Service - SaaS) and cloud computing (cloud computing), allowing other institutions and businesses use it, expand it and create business with him.

  • Provide mechanisms to add new applications, platforms and services and a business model open, non-exclusive, allowing suppliers in the sector, bring their products, make them known and create business.

  • Ensure quality and perform the pilots needed to test and demonstrate the correct operation of the service, and generate use cases to be followed by other educational institutions.

  • Promote the environment and make it grow, get training providers to use it and the community and businesses to extend it


learning apps

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