Three large contracts in Peru during 4th quarter of 2013

Tecsidel gets into the Peruvian market with 3 major contracts to run between the end of 2013 and first half of 2014:

Concesión Rutas de Lima de Odebecth Latin Invest, located between the North and South Panamericana Highway and Ramiro Prialé where we are providing concession toll systems, comprising 64 lanes (manuals, electronic toll collection and mixed) distributed in 9 plazas, and a complete Back Office. It also includes a maintenance contract for the system.

Concesión Coviperú – Concesionaria Víal del Perú Peru, corresponding to the road network No. 6, via Puente Pucusana – Cerro Azul – Ica, from, Grupo Hidalgo & Hidalgo. All 21 lanes (manuals, electronic toll collection and mixed) distributed in 3 plazas and a complete Back Office will be equipped.

Electronic Toll Payment Manager of EasyWay® from Opecovi S.A.C, which is the company contracted by Coviperú for the operation of the highway concession. SW and HW system capable of handling the management of customer, sale of prepaid vouchers and tags RFID (Telepass) and billing will be delivered. This system is independent of any concession or concessional group.


